Sleep walking is an arousal disorder in which the afflicted person walks and does many things during as sleep, but looks like he is awake. Somnambulism is the alternate name for sleep walking. This disorder falls under Parasomnia group.
It generally occurs in nonrapid eye movement sleep.
Your most likely to suffer from somnambulism in childhood as well as in adulthood , if u have a family history of somnambulism. Because it is a genetic disorder.It can also be caused due to certain mental disturbances and psychiatric disorders like multiple disorder, trauma, etc..
It can be diagnosed by combination of observation and history. But you would require full support of your family members and friends. You must closely observe you actions , so that you can know the reason for it. It is mostly caused due to distress, anxiety etc. .
But you can prevent yourself from danger by locking the door well, keeping a door alarm, coving the glass windows with hard cover, removing obstacles from the way etc..
Stop taking alcohols , reduce stress and avoid sleep depressants can also play some part in curing you.
Record you actions during sleep walk . Show it to sleep specialist as it is one of the most effective way to help the doctors cure you.
Specific therapies are given to cure somnambulism. Benzodiazepines and tricyclic antidepressants are found to be useful medications. Moreover relaxation techniques, mental imagery and anticipatory awakening are proffered long term treatments .