Different diseases

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Treatment for everything

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Treatment for everything

Treat all diseases.

Treatment for everything

Treat all diseases.

Treatment for everything

Treat all diseases.

Treatment for everything

Treat all diseases.

Treatment for everything

Treat all diseases.

Treatment for everything

Treat all diseases.

Treatment for everything

Treat all diseases.

Treatment for everything

Treat all diseases.

Treatment for everything

Treat all diseases.

Saturday, 12 May 2012


Sleep walking is an arousal disorder in which the afflicted person walks and does many things  during as sleep, but looks like he is awake. Somnambulism is the alternate name for sleep walking. This disorder falls under Parasomnia group.


It generally occurs in nonrapid eye movement sleep.

Your most likely to suffer from somnambulism in childhood as well as in adulthood , if u have a family history of somnambulism. Because it is a genetic disorder.It can also be caused due to certain mental disturbances and psychiatric disorders like multiple disorder, trauma, etc..

It can be diagnosed by combination of observation and history. But you would require full support of your family members and friends. You must closely observe you actions , so that you can know the reason for it. It is mostly caused due to distress, anxiety etc. .

But you can prevent yourself from danger by locking the door well, keeping a door alarm, coving the glass windows with hard cover, removing obstacles from the way etc..


Stop taking alcohols , reduce stress and avoid sleep depressants can also play some part in curing you.

Record you actions during sleep walk . Show it to sleep specialist as it is  one of the most effective way to help the doctors cure you.

Specific therapies are given to cure somnambulism. Benzodiazepines and tricyclic antidepressants are found to be useful medications. Moreover relaxation techniques, mental imagery and anticipatory awakening are proffered long term treatments .

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Alien Hand Syndrome ! ! ! (AHS)

It is a very rare and interesting neurological disorder. I don’t know whether you would love to read about it, but I really love to write about it. So, lets go to the topic. The affected individual would have full sensation of his hands , but their hand would not be in their control. Moreover, they won’t feel their hand as a part of their body.


Their hand will have it’s own mind, as it will work on it’s own, the owner do not have any ownership or control over it. As you know our brain is responsible for voluntary and involuntary actions.

AHS is very dangerous and life risking, as the afflicted hand may even kill the afflicted individual itself. A new study says that neural activity is restricted to the primary motor cortex during the unconscious motor activity seen with AHS.


It is caused due to certain brain injury like stroke, trauma etc., it can also be a side effect of a brain surgery , of patients having two lobes of brain separated to relieve severe epilepsy. Or it can also be caused due to a damage of corpus callosum.

There is no treatment for AHS. But it can be prevented by placing some objects in the afflicted hand to keep the afflicted hand busy.


Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Can DIABETICS be a cause of death ???

 Diabetics is one of the most common disease in the world. Today, i am going to discuss about diabetics in detail.

Diabetics is also called as diabetes mellitus. It is a metabolic disorder.The affected individuals would have high level of blood sugar level. It is either because pancreases fail to produce insulin or the cells fail to respond to the insulin produced.

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There are about three types of diabetics.

  • Type 1 diabetics:

This type of diabetics occurs when our own body immune system destroys the insulin producing pancreatic cells i.e., beta cells. Symptoms and signs of type 1 diabetics are dehydration, weight-loss, increased thirst, frequent urination, they would experience extreme hunger, fatigue, blurred vision etc.

  • Type 2 diabetics:

It is also called as non-insulin dependent diabetics. According to the latest new about 90% to 95% of people around the world are affected by this type of diabetics.The affected individuals would mostly experience all the symptoms and signs same as type 1 diabetics, but they also suffer from two more symptoms i.e., slow healing wounds or frequent infection and appearance of dark path on skin.

  • Gestational diabetics:

This type of diabetics is only seen in pregnant women.The blood sugar level becomes very high during pregnancy and goes back to normal after delivery. This can cause problem to the baby , as baby can grow very large. It would become a great risk for you and your baby.


Certain test like urine analysis , fasting blood glucose level, hemoglobin A1c test, oral glucose tolerance test etc., will be conducted by your physician these tests will help you confirm the type of diabetes your suffering from.

But there is no cure found for this disease. In future it may be cured. But certain researches show that, if proper care is taken during childhood , diabetics can be controlled i.e., by having a balanced diet to keep blood sugar level, cholesterol etc., normal.


Yea, of course if not treated well Diabetics can be a great cause of death. The diabetic patients life expectancy gets reduced , the more careless they are. The cause of death can be kidney failure, heart attack, peripheral passage damage leading to stroke , they are caused because the high level of sugar destroys the blood vessels everywhere in the body. The more high the blood sugar level, more is the damage caused.

Do you know? Diabetics is the seventh leading cause od death in US death certificate. As bout 68% diabetic patient die of heart attack and stroke. The overall risk is double than the people affected by diabetics.

Monday, 7 May 2012

STROKE ! ! ! The Brain Attack ! ! !

Stroke can also be called as “Brain Attack” or  Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA). Stroke is a condition in which the blood flow to the brain is blocked due to ruptured blood vessels or blood clot. Stroke can also be caused due to a serious injury in head.

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There are two types of stokes Ischemic Stroke and Hemorrhagic Stroke. Ischemic Stroke is caused due to blood clot in an artery or due to a blood clot formed somewhere else and bursts to become free floating, when these free floating are carried along the blood stream to the brain, there they can block the blood passage , whereas Hemorrhagic Stroke is caused due to the rupturing of the blood vessels , which results in filling the space between the brain and skull with blood.

Almost 90% of people get Ischemic Stroke. Any one can get stroke , but the risky group includes people with high cholesterol, smoking habit, obesity, cardiovascular disease, a family history of stroke, use cocaine , alcoholic addicts, people over 55 yrs of age etc. Women and children can also get stroke.

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Symptoms of stroke includes problem in speaking, dizziness, trouble in walking, loos of balance, numbness, weakness, paralysis of one side of the body, sudden severe headache, blurred , blackened or double vision.

But small stroke i.e., silent stroke does not have any symptoms, yet they damage the brain tissues. Various diagnostic methods are done my the physician like Physical assessment (various test like blood test and BP test are done to know the level of cholesterol, sugar and amino acids), Ultra sound, Arteriography, CT scan, MRI, Angiography and Echocardiography.

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And suitable medications and treatment methods are prescribed by the physicians depending on ones type and degree of stroke.

Stroke can be prevented by regularly checking the BP level, keeping a healthy diet, stop smoking, stop taking alcohol or any other drugs, treating diabetics, lowering blood cholesterol level, exercising regularly, managing stress properly, identify whether your having atrial fibrillation etc.

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By following the above mentioned preventive methods, you can prevent stoke 95.5%. “ PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE”. So follow the preventive measures to keep away your life from the risk of death.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

The great cure for MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY (MD)

Till yesterday , there was no cure for MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY. But today  the mystery of MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY is solved.On May 4th 2012 , the researchers from the university of Minnesota's Lillehei Heart Institute have efficiently found a cure for MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY.

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MD is generally a genetic disorder , which causes weakening of bones that help the body to move. The affected individuals would be missing certain important genes , which has the information for a protein that helps in making the bones healthy. MD is non-communicable.

The affected individuals loose their ability to sit and walk etc. MD might start at infant , teenage or adult stage. MD is of various types like Becker muscular dystrophy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy, Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, Myotonia congenita, Myotonic dystrophy.

Signs and Symptoms are different depending on the type of MD. The general symptoms are mental retardation, muscular weakness, reduction in size of muscle etc. The life expectancy of such individuals depends upon the degree of MD to which they are affected.

Doctors examine Abnormally curved spine (scoliosis), Joint contractures (clubfoot, claw hand, or others), Low muscle tone (hypotonia) etc., are done.


The latest research from the university of Minnesota's Lillehei Heart Institute proofs that MD can be cured using Human Stem Cells. A mice with MD  was efficiently treated with human stem cells derived through new process . These Human Stem Cells helps in regeneration of Human Muscle Cells effectively and efficiently.

Hence, through our modern improvement in science, the mystery of  MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY is solved i.e., cured.

Right: Rita Perlingeiro, PhD. Left: Radbod Darabi, MD, PhD. (Credit: Image courtesy of University of Minnesota Academic Health Center)

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Progeria : The old aged Children

Do you know what is Progeria? Have you ever seen some children , who look very old like a 80-yrs old person. They look like this because they have a disorder called Progeria. Progeria is also known as Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS).


Progeria is a rare genetic disorder.It is caused due to the occurrence of a  small defect i.e., mutation in the gene of a child, which results in rapid aging in the child. It is not inherited. Progeria is rarely seen in families with more than one child.

It can be easily identified with certain symptoms like growth failure during the first year of life, narrow, shrunken and wrinkled face, appearance of baldness, loss of eyebrow and eyelashes, short stature, large head compared to the body, dry, scaly, thin skin, formation of teeth is delayed or absent in the child.

The child will also suffer from bone thinning , arthritis , and many heart diseases.

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A genetic test of LMNA mutation can confirm Progeria.

Many medications would be given . But there is no cure for Progeria. Progeria results in early death. Most patients do not cross their teenage. But in rare cases some individuals have lived till their 20’s. Their cause of death would be heart attack or stroke.

It is very rare disorder, only 48 people are living in this world with this disorder.

If you see these symptoms and signs in your children , please immediately contact your near by health care unit.




Friday, 4 May 2012

Can we defeat BONE CANCER?

Our bones are very important structure of our body , without bones our body would be unstructured pile of soft tissues and we would loose the ability to stand, walk and move. Our body is made-up of 206 bones. Each bone has it’s own function .

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First, let’s know what’s BONE CANCER? Development of cancerous cells in any part of bone is known as Bone Cancer.

When cancer is identified in bones , it is  important to differentiate  whether this cancer has spread from another site to bone or it has originated in the bone tissue itself. This distinguish is necessary in order to provide correct treatment.

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There are more than 100 cancers identified till today. Each cancer is named according to the organ in which it originates or affects.

More than 20,000 individuals with bone cancer are diagnosed in united states each year. It is most common is children and adults than in elderly people.

There are many different types of BONE CANCERS. The most common are osteosarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma, Chondrosarcoma, Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma, Fibrosarcoma, and Chordoma.

There are relatively two other types of cancer that arises in the bone i.e., lymphoma and multiple myeloma. Lymphoma is different from Multiple myeloma. Because Lymphoma is a cancer which arises from the immune system and usually begins in lymph nodes but can also begin in bone. Whereas , Multiple myeloma begins in bones , but is is not considered as bone cancer , this cancer/tumor affect the bone marrow and not the bone cells.

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Bone cancer symptoms includes swelling, pain and difficulty in moving the bone, experiencing tiredness, fever or sweats , weight loss and rarely pathological fracture.

Many different methods are used in treating Bone cancer.The main methods are Surgery, Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy. Surgery is used widely to remove the tumor/cancer cells or the surrounding area. But they can surely be cured , if treated at and early stage.

There is no preventive measures available for Bone Cancer.

Now, let me give you some bone cancer survivors.

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  • Janis Ollson of 31 yrs old of Canada.
  • Laura
  • Laurence Whiteley of 18 yrs old.
  • Mark Herzlich

If they  all survived , then why can’t you . Never loose your confidence. Every disease has it’s own cure.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

The terror of AMNESIA (Memory loss)

Amnesia , we always hear this in every movie, serials and etc. As we all know what it is?Yes, it's a type disorder in which the individual looses all his past memory.

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According to Stedman’s Medical Dictionary amnesia is defined as "a disturbance in the memory of information stored in long-term memory, in contrast to short-term memory, manifested by total or partial inability to recall past experiences."

But some people with amnesia will loose only bits and pieces of memory. Some will loose their entire memory of past. Whereas some people will lose only memory of certain period , like they would have lost memory of past 2 or 3 yrs only.

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There are different types of amnesia , I will discuss about them below.

  • Anterograde amnesia: People with this amnesia won’t be able to remember the ongoing event , after the trauma.
  • Retrograde amnesia: Individual will not be able to remember the incidents that occurred before the trauma.
  • Emotional/hysterical amnesia: The individual’s memory loss will be temporary, soon he/she can retain her past memory.
  • Lacunar amnesia: They won’t be able to remember a specific event.
  • Korsakoff syndrome:They would have lost memory due to chronic alcoholism.
  • Posthypnotic amnesia:Memory loss sustained in a hypnotic state. They won’t be able to recall the events that took place during the hypnotic session.
  • Transient global amnesia:This can last for several minuets to hour. It can be seen fro  middle aged people to elderly people.

Amnesia is also a symptom of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Amnesia can also be caused due to certain drugs like cocaine, LSD, PCP, mescaline etc. Certain medicine like aminophylline, barbiturates, bromide, digoxin, diuretics, isoniazid, methyldopa, and tricyclic antidepressants, can also lead to transient global amnesia.


(They above is the pic of 46 year old Claire Robertson , who suffered from brain damage for the past 6 months. And got her memory back through a simple camera.)

They show symptoms like loss of memory, disorientation in time and space, feeling difficulty in learning or recalling information, lack of insight to their memory loss.

Usually the patients are asked about previous brain injury, which many be a cause for this disorder.The patient’s are analyzed well and suitable treatments are provided depending upon each patient’s level or type of amnesia.

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There is no effective treatment proven to cure amnesia.But it is reported many patients have recovered slowly. Some who suffer amnesia due to alcoholic abuse are treated with thiamine to stop the development of this disorder.

All disease has cure. So does Amnesia.


Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Is Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS) real or fake?

It’s not possible at for any of us, to have heard this disorder before. Many of us would hear it for the first time . Those who have heard would think think whether such a syndrome exists or not. Yes, they do exist.images (9)

It’s one of the rare disorder in which the affected person would get some medical symptoms if he/she is exposed to ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS.

The individuals are sensitive to very low intensity of electro magnetic radiations. EMF’s from electronic devices trigger or exacerbate their symptoms. 

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The cause for EHS is not known.

Let’s jump to symptoms. When they are exposed to EMP they get skin problems like redness in face if they work in front of monitor, tingling and burning sensation if they touch electronic devices. Some other symptoms such as fatigue, exhaustion, concentration problems, dizziness, heart palpitation and indigestion are also observed in some patients.

Remember these symptoms are not specific and they may vary from person to person.

And there is no diagnosis for EHS.A lot of researches where conducted on this field. A patient was exposed to sham EMF i.e., there is no radiation at all and was asked whether she / he is able to feel the exposure. Still the researches are continuing. Many researches concludes that EHS patients react more to mobile phone than any other electronic device.

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But some say these symptoms are unreal , this is false, they are real. The patients suffering form this disorder cannot be cured , but they can be prevented by avoiding their exposure to such radiations and certain nutrition supplements, acupuncture are provided.

Practice sleeping in darkness, expose yourself to sunlight for some time etc., can also help.

Some studies show that EHS is related to increased heavy metal toxicity . Dr. Yoshiaki Omura’s says that more the devices are contaminated with heavy metals like silver amalgam fillings, eating contaminated fish , living in downstream near coal burning power plants makes ones body a virtual antenna that concentrates radiation.

WHO is taking a lot of steps to get to know the cause and cure for EHS.

I will update my article , if any latest news regarding my topic is found.