It’s not possible at for any of us, to have heard this disorder before. Many of us would hear it for the first time . Those who have heard would think think whether such a syndrome exists or not. Yes, they do exist.
It’s one of the rare disorder in which the affected person would get some medical symptoms if he/she is exposed to ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS.
The individuals are sensitive to very low intensity of electro magnetic radiations. EMF’s from electronic devices trigger or exacerbate their symptoms.
The cause for EHS is not known.
Let’s jump to symptoms. When they are exposed to EMP they get skin problems like redness in face if they work in front of monitor, tingling and burning sensation if they touch electronic devices. Some other symptoms such as fatigue, exhaustion, concentration problems, dizziness, heart palpitation and indigestion are also observed in some patients.
Remember these symptoms are not specific and they may vary from person to person.
And there is no diagnosis for EHS.A lot of researches where conducted on this field. A patient was exposed to sham EMF i.e., there is no radiation at all and was asked whether she / he is able to feel the exposure. Still the researches are continuing. Many researches concludes that EHS patients react more to mobile phone than any other electronic device.
But some say these symptoms are unreal , this is false, they are real. The patients suffering form this disorder cannot be cured , but they can be prevented by avoiding their exposure to such radiations and certain nutrition supplements, acupuncture are provided.
Practice sleeping in darkness, expose yourself to sunlight for some time etc., can also help.
Some studies show that EHS is related to increased heavy metal toxicity . Dr. Yoshiaki Omura’s says that more the devices are contaminated with heavy metals like silver amalgam fillings, eating contaminated fish , living in downstream near coal burning power plants makes ones body a virtual antenna that concentrates radiation.
WHO is taking a lot of steps to get to know the cause and cure for EHS.
I will update my article , if any latest news regarding my topic is found.
ES is a skin condition caused by proto onco proliferation of skin neuro endocrine sensors.