Monday, 7 May 2012

STROKE ! ! ! The Brain Attack ! ! !

Stroke can also be called as “Brain Attack” or  Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA). Stroke is a condition in which the blood flow to the brain is blocked due to ruptured blood vessels or blood clot. Stroke can also be caused due to a serious injury in head.

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There are two types of stokes Ischemic Stroke and Hemorrhagic Stroke. Ischemic Stroke is caused due to blood clot in an artery or due to a blood clot formed somewhere else and bursts to become free floating, when these free floating are carried along the blood stream to the brain, there they can block the blood passage , whereas Hemorrhagic Stroke is caused due to the rupturing of the blood vessels , which results in filling the space between the brain and skull with blood.

Almost 90% of people get Ischemic Stroke. Any one can get stroke , but the risky group includes people with high cholesterol, smoking habit, obesity, cardiovascular disease, a family history of stroke, use cocaine , alcoholic addicts, people over 55 yrs of age etc. Women and children can also get stroke.

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Symptoms of stroke includes problem in speaking, dizziness, trouble in walking, loos of balance, numbness, weakness, paralysis of one side of the body, sudden severe headache, blurred , blackened or double vision.

But small stroke i.e., silent stroke does not have any symptoms, yet they damage the brain tissues. Various diagnostic methods are done my the physician like Physical assessment (various test like blood test and BP test are done to know the level of cholesterol, sugar and amino acids), Ultra sound, Arteriography, CT scan, MRI, Angiography and Echocardiography.

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And suitable medications and treatment methods are prescribed by the physicians depending on ones type and degree of stroke.

Stroke can be prevented by regularly checking the BP level, keeping a healthy diet, stop smoking, stop taking alcohol or any other drugs, treating diabetics, lowering blood cholesterol level, exercising regularly, managing stress properly, identify whether your having atrial fibrillation etc.

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By following the above mentioned preventive methods, you can prevent stoke 95.5%. “ PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE”. So follow the preventive measures to keep away your life from the risk of death.


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