Sunday, 29 April 2012

Ban SMOKING ! ! ! The TOBACCO life killer ! ! !

Smoking is a most common addiction. Do you know , why many people smoke. They fell like smoking relieves them from stress , tension etc., some do that for style, and I can go on giving you plenty of reasons why people smoke. But have you all thought just for one second, the aftereffect of smoking. Where is it going to leave you at last ? Surely, I will answer you , at last .


They Cigarette which you people use , is made up of tobacco. This tobacco consists of a drug called NICOTINE. Once you inhale this nicotine, it enters your air passage and starts to interrupts with many variety of neurochemical pathways , within the brain , as result it produces a feeling of Euphoria and addiction.

Do you know , what’s EUPHORIA. It’s a feeling , which attracts you , and makes you feel relieved form your daily life problems and tension.


Now, many would say they buy filtered cigarettes. They just filter a small amount of particles from smoke , but still you inhale a lot of smoke, it makes no difference. Both damages you body to it’s end.

Let me tell you , what sort of disease will kill smoker.

Smokers would suffer from lung cancer,COPD/emphysema, Heart disease, Mouth cancer, Larynx cancer, Pancreatic cancer, peripheral vascular disease, hypertension, Throat cancer,Cancer of lips, Discoloration of teeth, loss of sensing smell, Esophagus cancer,Cold fingers( due to low blood circulation), Tar stained fingers, Cough and sputum, Pneumonia, Asthma, Harms, blocks and weakens arteries of the heart ,  Liver cancer, Stomach and duodenal ulcers, Colon cancer, Aortic aneurysm, Kidneys and bladder cancer, Degenerative Disc Disease, In Male reproduction: Sperm: deformity, loss of motility, reduced number ,Infertility,Impotence, In Female reproduction:Period pains, Earlier menopause, Cancer of cervix, Infertility and delay in conception, etc., leukemia  etc.

If a pregnant women inhales or smokes, her infant would suffer from asthma, chronic bronchitis, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) etc..


But the recent reports show majority of smokers are killed my HEART DISEASE i.e., Cardiovascular disease. At global level about 1,69,000 smokers have faced death. In contrast there is about 850,000 death due to lung cancer , and approximately 118,000 are killed due to COPD i.e, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and emphysema.

Even after knowing these effects, do u still want to continue smoking. Why do you run towards your own death. Don’t you wish to live long. Think, why to loose your most precious life , just for that one moment of relaxation given by Smoking. Cigarrete smoke which you inhale everyday has 4,000 chemical compounds , of which 200 are most poisonous and 60 are identified as carcinogens.


If you wish to quite smoking , I will give you some tips, try them.

  • Delay , when you feel like smoking , tell yourself to delay it for 10 min and in that 10 min distract your mind to some interesting things like novels, magazines, movies etc..
  • Don’t have “just one”, don’t fool yourself saying, that you have just one for last time, this just one leads to another one.
  • Don’t trigger. Don’t smoke for your friends to give them a company or for style .
  • Physical Exercise or activity can help you distract from it .
  • Keep practicing relaxation techniques.
  • Always remember the benefit of quitting smoking. It just benefits you and your own family.
  • Give your mouth an alternative for tobacco , like chew sugar gums etc..
  • Get help from your near by health centers.

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Won’t you sacrifice the smoking/ tobacco hobbit just for your health and your families health. DO SANCRIFICE TO PRICE OUT HEALTHYU LIFE.



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