Different diseases

Articles on different disorders


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Treatment for everything

Treat all diseases.

Treatment for everything

Treat all diseases.

Treatment for everything

Treat all diseases.

Treatment for everything

Treat all diseases.

Treatment for everything

Treat all diseases.

Treatment for everything

Treat all diseases.

Treatment for everything

Treat all diseases.

Treatment for everything

Treat all diseases.

Treatment for everything

Treat all diseases.

Treatment for everything

Treat all diseases.

Treatment for everything

Treat all diseases.

Monday, 30 April 2012

Stiff Person’s Syndrome (SPS)

Just now I came across this name and thought of writing and article on it.

SPS is such a rare neurological disorder. You wouldn’t have heard about it. It is also called as Moersch-Woltman condition.

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The person having SPS , would experience random muscle spams, which can be so strong that the person may fall which would lead to bone fracture. SPS is characterized by fluctuating muscle rigidity in the trunk and limbs. And the bones are highly sensitive to stimuli such as noise, touch, emotional distress, which can set off muscle spams. SPS suffer would face great difficulty in walking in streets as they are afraid that the street noise , truck horns may trigger spams and falls.

It is more common in women than in men.

Till now, doctors have not found the cause of  SPS . But they predict that SPS is caused due to autoimmune disorder ,as, people with SPS often suffer from autoimmune disorders like Type 1 diabetes and Thyroiditis .

I will explain you about Type 1 diabetes and Thyroiditis in my upcoming articles .

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The symptoms and signs of this syndrome are :

  • Muscle stiffness experienced in trunk and that comes and goes at anytime and no specific time can be predicted . This results in back stiffness or pain, an exaggerated upright posture, and stiff-legged walk.
  • They affected individual suffers severe muscle spams in arms and legs when the person is startled, emotional, touched, upset or in distress.
  • Cured low back (lordosis) and deformed joints in the body over time.
  • Falling during sudden muscle spam.

As this syndrome is rare, it is mostly misdiagnosed as Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, or a Psychological Disorder.

35% suffers don’t have no antibodies and are not suffers of cancers.

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Many tests like hemoglobin A1C (used to check for diabetes) or thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) to check for thyroiditis and Muscle testing (electromyography or EMG) are done.

Till now there is no treatment i.e., sure found for SPS , but medications are given to control it’s effect and damages. Even the exact cause of SPS is unknown to the doctors.

SPS is still a mysterious disease ….

Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) or Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) or Split Personality Disorder (SPD)

We all would have heard these names only in movies, serials . But do you know what it is? It’s a psychiatric disorder in which , a single person will have two or more personalities (also called as alters) within him, his/her personality would switch according to the situations and the behavior of such personality would be totally different from the individuals real personality. In such cases the unity of consciousness with which we identify our selves is absent.
Individuals with this disorder would probably seek mental health treatment programs. Another symptom of MPD is significant amnesia, that can’t be explained with ordinary forgetfulness. Some with DID have personalities with different emotion, pulse, blood pressure and blood flow to brain.
DID was before called as MPD and some times as Split Personality Disorder. It occurs 9 times more in females than in males. However, certain researches shows that , it’s more common in females because it’s difficult to find that personality in males.
Till now there is no proven cause for the development of DID. But researches show it is developed as a reaction due to severe childhood trauma. One of the reason for DID is due to stress of terrible abuse experienced by the individual during his/her childhood. Some say it is caused due to high complexity and unknown nature of human brain, and psyche.
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The memory which is stored due to these trauma, results in DID. It can cause even by observing some relatives with DID, this doesn’t mean that DID is hereditary.
Let me discuss about the symptoms and signs of DID.
  • They would experience lapses in memory of life events like birthday, wedding anniversary etc..
  • Sometimes they would experience blackouts in time, due to which the person would not be able to recall how he/she travelled to the present place.
  • Would not be able to recall how he got certain items.
  • Calling themselves with some other names .
  • Hearing voices inside them selves.
  • Not recognizing themselves in mirror.
  • Derealization i.e., feeling unreal
  • They would feel like watching themselves move in life rather than living in life.
  • Feeling like more than one person.
They can diagnosed by Psychotherapy , Hypnosis, Electro Convulsive Therapy (ECV), Medications are given to the patients.
Do you know what will happen , if DID is not diagnosed??
They start to behave violently , and will try to commit suicide more than once and more over they would loose their quality of life.
So it’s best to take treatment as soon as possible , instead of hesitating.
Have you heard of KIM NOBLE. She is 50 yrs old and a painter. She has 100 different personalities within herself. There personalities have their own names , age, behavior etc..
Such a miracle right.

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Have you ever heard of this disease ??? Of course you won’t have heard of it. It’s very rare disease.Lets discuss about it in detail.

As per this disease , it causes sudden death of an infant less than 1 yrs. old. Death takes place mostly during the infants sleep. SIDS is also called as Cot death or Crib death. If the forensic investigation done after the death of infant , couldn't state a reason , then it is considers as SIDS.

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Over years , many researches where done , just recently the cause for SIDS is found. It is caused due to abnormalities in brain stream. A recent study showed that , the infant who died due to SIDS had lower levels of serotonin.Hannah Kinney of Harvard says that the lower level od serotonin , which comprises the medulla’s ability to regulate certain functions , as result of which the make the baby unable to detect when the don’t get enough oxygen.

SIDS affects boys more than girls. It affects 90% of infants  younger than 6 months. Till know there is not exact reason for the causes of SIDS. And there is no exact prevention.

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But you can try some of these measures.

  • Get proper medical checkup during pregnancy . Assure you take nutritive food. They can reduce the risk of SIDS.
  • Do not smoke or use cocaine, morphine, heroine, tobacco during pregnancy.
  • Avoid becoming pregnant if your teenager.
  • Wait at least one year between the birth of a child and the next pregnancy.The shorter the interval between pregnancies, the higher the SIDS rate.
  • Make the baby sleep in their back always
  • Keep watching the baby , crib the baby in parents room itself , till it reaches 1 yr old.
  • Don’t over cloth the infant when he/she is asleep.
  • Avoid exposing the baby to tobacco smoke.
  • Always breast feed the baby.
  • Don’t expose baby to people who have respiratory problems or infections.
  • If you see any change in baby’s skin i.e., turning blue or not breathing , immediately rush to the pediatrician.

These preventive methods can help.

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SIDS cannot be predicted or prevented. Even it’s cause is not known. But mostly it is due to SMOKING and TOBACCO usage.

Ban SMOKING ! ! ! The TOBACCO life killer ! ! !

Smoking is a most common addiction. Do you know , why many people smoke. They fell like smoking relieves them from stress , tension etc., some do that for style, and I can go on giving you plenty of reasons why people smoke. But have you all thought just for one second, the aftereffect of smoking. Where is it going to leave you at last ? Surely, I will answer you , at last .


They Cigarette which you people use , is made up of tobacco. This tobacco consists of a drug called NICOTINE. Once you inhale this nicotine, it enters your air passage and starts to interrupts with many variety of neurochemical pathways , within the brain , as result it produces a feeling of Euphoria and addiction.

Do you know , what’s EUPHORIA. It’s a feeling , which attracts you , and makes you feel relieved form your daily life problems and tension.


Now, many would say they buy filtered cigarettes. They just filter a small amount of particles from smoke , but still you inhale a lot of smoke, it makes no difference. Both damages you body to it’s end.

Let me tell you , what sort of disease will kill smoker.

Smokers would suffer from lung cancer,COPD/emphysema, Heart disease, Mouth cancer, Larynx cancer, Pancreatic cancer, peripheral vascular disease, hypertension, Throat cancer,Cancer of lips, Discoloration of teeth, loss of sensing smell, Esophagus cancer,Cold fingers( due to low blood circulation), Tar stained fingers, Cough and sputum, Pneumonia, Asthma, Harms, blocks and weakens arteries of the heart ,  Liver cancer, Stomach and duodenal ulcers, Colon cancer, Aortic aneurysm, Kidneys and bladder cancer, Degenerative Disc Disease, In Male reproduction: Sperm: deformity, loss of motility, reduced number ,Infertility,Impotence, In Female reproduction:Period pains, Earlier menopause, Cancer of cervix, Infertility and delay in conception, etc., leukemia  etc.

If a pregnant women inhales or smokes, her infant would suffer from asthma, chronic bronchitis, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) etc..


But the recent reports show majority of smokers are killed my HEART DISEASE i.e., Cardiovascular disease. At global level about 1,69,000 smokers have faced death. In contrast there is about 850,000 death due to lung cancer , and approximately 118,000 are killed due to COPD i.e, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and emphysema.

Even after knowing these effects, do u still want to continue smoking. Why do you run towards your own death. Don’t you wish to live long. Think, why to loose your most precious life , just for that one moment of relaxation given by Smoking. Cigarrete smoke which you inhale everyday has 4,000 chemical compounds , of which 200 are most poisonous and 60 are identified as carcinogens.


If you wish to quite smoking , I will give you some tips, try them.

  • Delay , when you feel like smoking , tell yourself to delay it for 10 min and in that 10 min distract your mind to some interesting things like novels, magazines, movies etc..
  • Don’t have “just one”, don’t fool yourself saying, that you have just one for last time, this just one leads to another one.
  • Don’t trigger. Don’t smoke for your friends to give them a company or for style .
  • Physical Exercise or activity can help you distract from it .
  • Keep practicing relaxation techniques.
  • Always remember the benefit of quitting smoking. It just benefits you and your own family.
  • Give your mouth an alternative for tobacco , like chew sugar gums etc..
  • Get help from your near by health centers.

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Won’t you sacrifice the smoking/ tobacco hobbit just for your health and your families health. DO SANCRIFICE TO PRICE OUT HEALTHYU LIFE.


Saturday, 28 April 2012

Alzheimer's disease (AD)

Have you all heard about this disease. It’s not common . And many of us wouldn’t have known about it. Even I came to know about this disease only from a real story . So let’s know about this unique disease.


Alzheimer is a type of dementia i.e., it is a disease related to brain function , in which memory, thinking and behavior of the patient is affected and altered. It is not always caused due to aging even if most people  above 65 yrs old are only affected. 5% of patients below 65 yrs are also affected. So, it cannot be considered as aging disease.

Alzheimer worsens over time. At early stages patient would suffer only mild memory loss but over time , they would not be able to respond to a conversation or to the environment. Survival range varies for different age groups and stage of AD they are experiencing.

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Your likely to suffer from AD only if any of your close relative is affected with this disease or have gene linked to AD i.e., APOE epsilon4 allele. And the riskier groups are women, patients suffering from High BP for long time and patients having head trauma.

They symptom includes, loss of memory, difficulty in expressing emotional behaviors, changes in personality, altered perception , thinking and cognitive skills.

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I would like to discuss about the different stages of  AD.

  • STAGE 1: No impairment (normal function)

The affected person is normal and he/she does not experience any memory problem. They don’t show any of the above mentioned symptoms of dementia.

  • STAGE 2: Very mild cognitive decline (may be normal age-related changes or earliest signs of Alzheimer's disease)

Patient might experience slight memory lapses of familiar words, objects and frequently visiting places. But no symptoms of dementia would be seen while examining the patient.

  • STAGE 3: Mild cognitive decline (early-stage Alzheimer's can be diagnosed in some, but not all, individuals with these symptoms)

The patients would feel difficulty in remembering familiar word or name, won’t be able to perform any task individually, quickly forget what they have read just few minutes before, they would frequently loose or misplace a valuable object, trouble in planning and organizing.

Doctors and relatives can easily identify the symptoms of dementia.

  • STAGE 4: Moderate cognitive decline(Mild or early-stage Alzheimer's disease)

Every one around the patient can easily identify the symptoms of dementia as they would forget the recent event and their won family history, loose ability to perform mental arithmetic i.e., count backwards from 100-1, they face difficulty in perform regular tasks like paying bill, planning for dinner etc., sudden change in behavior can be seen.

  • STAGE 5: Moderately severe cognitive decline(Moderate or mid-stage Alzheimer's disease)

They would have difficulty in remembering things and would require an assistant to help them through day to day routines.They would be unable recall their address, high school, telephone number, would get confused where they are now and what’s the day , yet they won’t require help in eating or using toilet.

  • STAGE 6: Severe cognitive decline(Moderately severe or mid-stage Alzheimer's disease)

Memory worsens a lot, person would certainly need a assistance to do daily routine, loss of awareness of past experience and surrounding, they would remember their name but cannot remember their past, can distinguish familiar and unfamiliar faces but difficulty in remembering they spouse name , would forget how to dress, experience change in sleep patterns, would need help in handling details of toileting (for example, flushing the toilet, wiping or disposing of tissue properly), have trouble controlling their bladder or bowel, experience major behavior , thought and personality changes, are tend to get lost.

  • STAGE 7: Very severe cognitive decline(Severe or late-stage Alzheimer's disease)

This is the last stage of AD , which includes lose the ability to respond to their environment, to carry on a conversation and, eventually, to control movement. They may still say words or phrases, individuals need help with much of their daily personal care, including eating or using the toilet. They may also lose the ability to smile, to sit without support and to hold their heads up. Reflexes become abnormal. Muscles grow rigid. Swallowing impaired.


Till now, there is no treatment found for AD, but medications are given to slow down the symptoms and to manage day to day activities by owns own self.

May be in future it might be a curable disease. Who knows except GOD.

Friday, 27 April 2012

The Introduction of ARTIFICIAL HEART

I guess my title sounds very different for some of you. And it may be familiar to others. In this modern world, we know many have lost their life due to lack of availability of heart for transplantation. Now Doctors have brought a new solution for this life loss. I will give you some interesting details about this artificial heart.

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Doctors of TEXAS on march 23, 2011 in the hospital St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital (SLEH) have introduced this ARTIFICIAL HEART. They successfully implanted this CONTINUOS FLOW DEVICE in a patient who was facing imminent death. As the imminent blood flow was provided by the ARTICIAL HEART, which the original heart was disabled to do.

On March 10, 2011 Drs. Bud Frazier and Billy Cohn implanted this mechanical device in a 55 yrs old Houstonian Craig A. Lewis. This device was used as the last attempt to save Houstonian Craig A. Lewis life.

Dr. Bud Frazier, left, and Dr. William Cohn

Houstonian Craig A. Lewis was suffering from a rare disorder called Cardiac Amyloidosis. It’s a disease in which the heart is infiltrated by an abnormal protein, which is produced some where else in the body.

Let me give you a brief description on , how the device works. The ARTIFICIAL HEART consists of 2 turbine which act as blood pumps. They replace the 2 side,  removed from patients heart. They act as man-made substitute to Natural Heart. This system was approved by FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and it was off-label.

Important fact, the patient suffering from Cardiac Amyloidosis, cannot be treated by heart transplantation , because the disorder may reoccur in the transplanted heart too.

Houstonian Craig A. Lewis was supported by external blood pump , dialysis machine, and breathing device for about 2 weeks before the doctors were approaching this idea.

As this machine provides continuous flow, it does not produce heart beat or pulse.The TEXAS HEART INSTITUTE has played a great role in the introduction of this continues flow system.


Dr. Cooley, founder of THI said:

"Forty years ago the first total artificial heart was implanted here in a patient dying of advanced heart failure. The device served as a bridge to cardiac transplantation, maintaining the patient's life until a donor heart was procured. Since then, a major focus of research at THI has been the development of a total mechanical heart that could overcome some of the problems presented by the previous pulsatile devices, including patient discomfort. The continuous-flow design of this device promises a major advance in the effort to replace the heart in patients with terminal cardiac failure. I applaud Dr. Frazier and Dr. Cohn for their contributions. This is a further milestone."

This is really a great medical history . We can call it as miracle.As miracle suits it more.

Threat of Swine Flu (H1N1)

Swine Flu, have you heard of it. Yes, you would have , it was a very threatening and wide spreading disease in 2009-2012. Even now, many patients who have been affected have lost their life. We must certainly know, what’s so threating about this disease. Let’s know about it.


H1N1 is highly contagious respiratory disease that was seen only in swine (pigs). Hence , they named it in 2009 as SWINE FLU. It was caused due to a swine influenza A virus. Later, these SWINE FLU was also sighted in humans i.e., this influenza started to spread and affected a lot of human, and many lost their life. Transmission of these viruses to human was very unusual , but they can transmit, only if humans have contact with affected swine.

But once it affects human, it can spread vigorously to other person as it’s a communicable disease.

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The symptom of SWIN FLU is same as the seasonal influenza. The patient may suffer from cough,fever,sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue, diarrhea and vomiting . These mild symptoms which are much similar to seasonal influenza makes it ignorable by many patients who lost their lives because of un awareness.

So, anyone sighted with these symptoms must contact the health care center near by to save their life and many other life. The common symptoms sighted in children are diarrhea, apnea, altered mental status, tachypnea, dyspnea, cyanosis. The duration of all the symptoms are 3-4 days.Many has lost their life within this duration itself, so please take immediate steps if you have theses symptoms.

It’s necessary for us to know , what kind of treatment is provided by the health care institute.

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Treatment consists of bed rest, increased fluid consumption, cough suppressants and analgesic.Medications such as oseltamivir and zanamivir are given to the patients.

WHO(world health organization) has introduced H1N1 monovalent influenza vaccine . Two doses are given for children under 10yrs. Children and adults younger than 10 yrs are given 1 dose. Pregnant women, infants of 6 months to 18 months, person aged between 20-25, 60-65 are all under high risk of infection.


You must surely know certain ways to protect these influenza virus from spreading.

Don’t allow your family to mingle with crowd during this season, take the vaccine available in near by health center, if any of your family member is affected take immediate steps, don’t have any contact the infected person, stop sending children to school if symptoms are seen in children and keep spreading these awareness.

Suctioning, bronchoscopy, or intubation should be performed in a procedure room with negative-pressure air handling.Patients must wear a mask. Standard, droplet and contact precautions must be taken for 7 days from the onset of the symptoms/ infection.

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I always repeat this sentence “PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE” . Keep trying all theses prevention methods and advice others to do also.


Piles (Hemorrhoid)

Have you heard of Piles. I know it’s such a familiar word , that almost all of us know. But that’s not enough. I will give you some more interesting details about it.

Piles can also be called as Hemorrhoid. They are the round swelling i.e., dilated blood vessels seen inside the anal canal. They develop only in areas known as anal cushions.

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Individual of any age group can suffer from Piles(Hemorrhoid).
There is no age limit for it. Don’t get scared of it, they are not cancerous and are non-communicable too.

Piles can be cured surgically as well as non-surgically, depending on the degree of piles from which the individual is suffering .
So let me help you to identify the degree of piles your suffering from.

  • First degree of piles would occur within the anal canal. They can be identified easily as they bleed.

  • Second degree of piles  is more similar to the first degree as they also occur within the anal canal but yet there is one difference i.e., they stick out of the anal canal when you have bowel movement and they get back once  the bowel movement stops.
  • Third degree of piles  is a bit different from second degree in the sense that , they hang outside of the anus and can be pushed in.

  • Forth degree of piles it’s the most painful. They just similar to third degree piles. But they are larger in size and are more swollen. They usually consist of blood clots within them , once the blood clot increases , it becomes more painful.

  • External piles  they are swelling that develop in the outside edge of anus.They would be more sore and painful than the internal piles.

You must also know the symptoms and causes of piles , I order to diagnose it.

Symptoms of piles:- Bleeding anus, itching anus,lump on anus, mucus discharge from anus, anus swelling, pain during bowel movement.

One more thing, these symptoms may appear due do some other disease too. But mostly they indicate piles. Don’t assume , if you sight there symptoms , do contact your doctors. Don’t damage your own help.

Causes of piles:- They are usually caused due to low fiber content in your daily meals, Pregnancy, due to often lifting of heavy weights, due to constipation, family history of piles or hereditary, anal intercourse, born with week rectum etc. These are the main causes.

Let me explain , about the methods used in non-surgical treatment.

  • Banding method , involves , tying a band/elastic band just above the piles, which cuts of the blood supply and the pile falls off after some days. And the area gets healed naturally.

  • Sclerotherapy involves injecting the pile with an oil solution, due to which it looses the moisture , hence shrinks up soon.

  • Infrared or laser treatments are done , which make the pile shrink.

  • Electrotherapy and Bipolar biotherapy are methods where electric current is used to burn off the pile.

  • Medications are given.

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Surgical method , of course you would all know that’s that, it’s the removal of pile surgically.

They are certain home remedy you can try only for FIRST DEGREE PILES.

  • Drink Coconut water, it may help you.
  • Use olive oil in that area.

You know, most of the home remedies work great.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Warning of Abdominal Pain (Stomach ache)

In our daily life, we would all have experienced abdominal pain numerous times. We usual assume that, it is caused  due to Indigestion, Constipation, Food poisoning, Gastric Problems,  etc.

But how many of us know that, it can also be a symptom of Stomach cancer, Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases, Ulcer, Hernia, Gallstone, Kidney stone, Crohn’s disease, Urinary tract infection, Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) and appendices etc.

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We can’t simply assume anything about abdominal pain. But there are certain symptoms , which urges us to consult a Doctor.

  • Fever
  • Inability to keep meals down for several days
  • Vomiting blood
  • Droplets of blood along with stool
  • Inability to pass stool especially if your vomiting
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Severe abdominal pain with frequent urination.
  • Occurrence of pain during pregnancy
  • Pain due to previous  abdominal injury
  • Experiencing pain for more number of days


If these symptoms are seen, then your abdominal pain is serious matter to be concern. 

Your physician would probably recommend you to do some test such as Blood test, Urine test, Stool test, Barium enema, CT scan, Colonoscopy, ECG, Ultrasound for abdomen, X-ray of abdomen.

I wish to tell you all , one more useful information about some food types that you must avoid to prevent Abdominal pain.


  • Avoid eating fatty or greasy foods
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Eat small meals frequently
  • Exercise sufficiently
  • Limit eating foods that produce gas
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables

Follow my steps, to prevent frequent mild abdominal pain.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Get Rid Of Headaches

Do you suffer from severe headaches. I know many of us do. There are three types of head aches.

  • Primary,
  • Secondary
  • Cranial neuralgias

Now, lets get to know each one.

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Primary headaches:
They include migraine, cluster , tension head aches. Up to 90% of adults suffer form tension headaches.They are more common among women than men.

Migraine headaches are second common. About 12% of world population suffer from it.They are common among children as well as adults.

Cluster headaches are really rare. They affect men in their 20’s than women and children. Only 0.1% population suffer from it. In rare cases it can affect women and children too.

Secondary headaches:
These headaches are caused due to certain underlying structural problems in neck or head.  It can be caused due to Brain tumors, migraine, bleeding(brain hemorrhage) , blood clot in brain, encephalitis etc.

Cranial neuralgias:
Neuralgias means nerve pain. They are caused due to inflammation of brain nerves and upper neck nerves , which forms a source of pain.

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Just knowing the types, is of course not enough. We must also know their symptoms, in order to differentiate them.

For Primary headaches :
  • Occurrence of Throbbing
  • Occurs usually after certain exercise
  • Affects both the sides
For Secondary headaches:
  • All the above symptoms as mentioned under primary headaches
  • Vomiting
  • Sometimes loss of consciousness
  • Double vision
  • Neck rigidity
For Cranial neuralgias:
  • Pain experienced in face, cheek, eye  etc..
  • Tongue, throat, tonsil pains etc..

By now you might have figured out the type of headache your suffering from.
Let me give you some “HOME REMEDIES” for it.

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One more most important thing , please these HOME REMEDIES can be done only if your headache is Primary or Secondary and not for Cranial neuralgias headaches, you have to consult your doctors. Please don’t risk your own life.

  • Apply a paste of 3-4 cloves on paining on the forehead.
  • Peel and chop an apple and sprinkle some salt and eat it early morning in empty stomach. Do this for about one week for chronic headaches.
  • Prepare a herbal tea with 10-15 holy basil leaves (TULSI),5-6 peppercorns and half ginger piece all powdered. Store the powder in air tight container. Take 2 pinch of the powder , with warm water , when headache starts.
  • Gently massage with rosemary oil.


Why To Fear Skin Cancer?

As we know, cancer is a widely known disease all over the world. When we hear of a cancer patient, we feel piety for them. But none of us have ever tried to bring forth certain steps to avoid cancer. Why didn't we do this? Is it because we think, we would never get such diseases. You must know that, the patients who are suffering from skin cancer were once a normal person like you and me; they too had the same thought as we have now. It's not too late, set your mind, the way it must be set. Let's get more knowledge about cancer, in order to defeat cancer.


Skin Cancer is also a type of cancer, where the abnormal cell division takes place in the skin i.e., epithelial cells. And it's the only cancer that can be detected easily. As we can be clearly observe certain changes taking place in our skin. If you have observed such changes, immediately consult the dermatologist.

Certain changes can be observed for example, appearance of a new black mole which keeps growing day by day or a change in color, texture, size of an existing mole. Attention must be given if such changes are observed, because, if detected and treated at an early stage, they would be curable or else fatal.


I will give you some tips to prevent cancer, it efficient 95%. Do follow them, don't take them light.

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Stop exposing yourself to the sun rays, especially between 11am to 4pm, because this is the time, when UV rays (ultraviolet rays) are stronger. These UV rays can cause mutation of epithelial cells, which may result in skin cancer. Use sunscreens to avoid sun rays. Stop frequent visit to tanning salons and sunlamps, they use UVA (ultraviolet radiation with wavelengths between 320 and 400 nm) and UVB (wavelengths between 290 and 320nm) rays 2-5 times more than sun. Do you what are the after effects of this, it cause premature skin aging, skin cancer and sunburn. If you think temporary beauty is important, i won't stop you, keep going to such saloons and keep damaging your skin. Most importantly keep examining i.e., self-examining your moles and skin regularly.

If you follow these simple steps, you can be sure that your fear for skin cancer is 95%, vanished i.e., you can be sure 95% you won't get skin cancer.


Most importantly we must be aware of types of skin cancer i.e., Actinic Keratosis (Precursor to Squamous Cell Carcinoma), Basal Cell Carcinoma, Melanoma, Kaposi's Sarcoma (KS), Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

All the types show a little difference in their symptoms. More than 90% of Basal Cell Carcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma have been cured. Special treatment such as surgery, Cryotherapy, Radiotherapy, Photodynamic therapy, Topical chemotherapy, and Topical immunotherapy are used.

These treatments are found to be efficient. Specialists are conducting a detailed study on this topic to get best results. That would demolish our fear 100%.

Survive Brain Cancer

Everyone must know the difference between cancer and tumor.

The abnormal divisions of our own body cells that are capable of invading to other parts are called cancer. And tumors are uncontrolled growth of body tissue. Tumors can also result in cancer.


How cancer cells form?

They are formed when our normal cells are subjected to mutations. As a result of which these cells are transformed into cancerous cells.
When these mutations takes place in brain cells or when these cancerous cells invade brain, the result in BRAIN CANCER. Now the recent development in science has made our way easy in early detection and diagnosis of this disease.

You can suspect that u have brain cancer with some of the symptoms and signs, such as headache, weakness, clumsiness, difficulty in walking and seizures are specific symptoms. And non-specific are mood swings, change in concentration, memory, nausea, vomiting especially in morning, certain abnormalities in vision, difficulty in speaking etc. It is to be noted that these symptoms do not appear in every patient suffering from cancer.


Let's know the recent technologies used in detection of cancer.

1. Patients who are rushed to hospital due to emergency are subjected to CT scan.
2. X-rays are also used to get a detailed view.
3. MRI
4.PET scan
5.Nuclear Medicine Bone Scan

using these new techniques we can easily detect cancer.
How to fight Brain cancer:


Treatment used is different for every patient depending on their age and to which level they are affected.
It can be done through surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy/targeted therapy, vaccine therapy.

Chemotherapy includes Tumor Molecular Profiling. Radiotherapy includes Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT), Stereotactic Radio surgery  (SRS), Intraoperative Radiation Therapy (IORT),Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT).
There are supportive therapies like Naturopathic Medicine, Nutrition Therapy, Oncology Rehabilitation, Pain Management, Mind-Body Medicine, Spiritual Support, Survivorship Support etc are used.

National Cancer Institute estimates 22,070 new cases and 12,920 deaths in the US for 2009.

The brave people who has fought cancer:
1.Thomas Sedowski
2.Anne Feeley

"I've never sat back and wondered why I got the tumor," John says. "I've always accepted it and I've never allowed myself to be depressed about it. I just go on living the way I want to live."
There still more brave people who have survived. Never loose hope. Always remember "PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE" live healthy.